British MP Who Expressed Concerns About Kashmir Deported By India Without Explanation

New Delhi: As per reports emanating from New Delhi, a British MP who was vocal on Kashmir issue was denied entry into India at IGI Airport in Delhi after her arrival on a valid visa. Reports say that the MP was deported back to Dubai from where she has come after her visa was revoked.

Debbie Abrahams [File Photo]

Labour Party MP Debbie Abrahams who chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Kashmir, said she was travelling on a valid e-visa to India to visit family and friends but her visa was revoked without explanation.

Notably the Indian State has turned the region of Kashmir into a prison house where it has imposed various kinds of restrictions, including the ban on internet that has resulted in communications blackout.

As per media reports Abrahams’ e-visa was reportedly issued last October, and was valid until October 2020.

A Statement Issued by British MP Reads As Follows:

Along with everyone else, I presented myself at the immigration desk with my documents including my e-visa, had my photograph taken and then the official looked at his screen and started shaking his head. Then he told me my visa was rejected took my passport and disappeared for about 10 minutes. When he came back he was very rude and aggressive shouting at me to ‘come with me’. I told him not to speak to me like that & was then taken to a cordoned off area marked as a Deportee Cell. He then ordered me to sit down & I refused. I didn’t know what they might do or where else they may take me, so i wanted people to see me. He disappeared again when I rang my sister in law’s cousin, Kai, who I was meant to be staying with. Kai got in touch with the British High Commission & he tried to find out what was going on. After lots of different immigration officials came to me, I tried to establish why the visa had been revoked and if I could get a ‘visa on arrival’ but no-one seemed to know. Even the person who seemed to be in charge said he didn’t know & was really sorry about what had happened. So now I am just waiting to be deported … unless the Indian Government has a change of heart. I’m prepared to let the fact that I’ve been treated like a criminal go, & I hope they will let me visit my family & friends.”

“The reason I got into politics is advance social justice & human rights FOR ALL. I will continue to challenge my own Government & others on these issues”, the British MP said in a tweet.

This News/Article British MP Who Expressed Concerns About Kashmir Deported By India Without Explanation appeared first on Sikh Siyasat News.

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