Chandigarh 31 October (Punjabi Teshan) Renowned Hindi/Punjabi writer and novelist, Govardhan Gabbi launched his two new books today titled PURAN KATHA (a Hindi novel, based upon the life of his father) and BIMB PRATIBIMB, a Punjabi Short Stories collection, translated by Ms. MINAKSHI MANHAR and SUBHASH NEERAV.
Mr Govardhan Gabbi, who is the father of renowned Bollywood and Punjabi actress Wamiqa Gabbi, launched this book in the presence of another Punjabi actress Mandy Takhar and his daughter. On the occasion, Govardhan Gabbi talked about his past, present and future projects and gave a glimpse of his illustrious career as a writer.
Speaking about his recent books, he said, “My writings are a reflection of my thoughts and opinions based on life’s varied experiences from my perspective. I feel that there will be many readers who’ll be able to relate with my latest works.”
Wamiqa Gabbi said, “The writer in my Dad is someone who I’ve been inspired greatly right since my childhood days. In fact, my dad has a significant role to play in shaping my opinions and value system.”
Mandy Takhar, who’s a good friend of Wamiqa, also spoke greatly about Mr Govardhan Gabbi. “I have a huge reverence for Mr Gabbi ever since I got to know about his writings. I am an avid reader myself and am really looking forward to read the latest novels by him.”

Some of the past works of Mr Govardhan Gabbi:
Dil Wali Fatdi (Punjabi Poetry) 2002, Ateet De Sirnavein (Punjabi Poetry) 2005, Gudakhana (Punjabi Short Stories) 2009, Bharamjaal(Punjabi Short Stories) 2012,Taana Baana (Punjabi Short Essays) 2015, Puran Katha ( Punjabi novel ) 2015 (Selected and Published with the financial by Chandigarh Sahit Akademy) ,Tin Tiye Satt( Punjabi Short Stories) 2017 got best book award by Chandigarh sahit akademy for 2017,
English Books: Unveil (A collection of English short stories translation by Dr. Rajinder Singh)
Hindi Books: Puran Katha(Hindi translation of Puran Katha by Minakshi Manhar), Bimp- Pratibimb (Hindi translated stories by Subhash Neerav)
Books under Publication: 1.Appna Ghar ( Punjabi Short Stories), Adal-Badal( Punjabi Poetry) , The Complete Story( English Translation of Puran Katha), Kanian(Punjabi poetic verse)
Columnist: For the last 20 years Writing regular Column and short Essays for a number of Indian and Foreign News Papers Like Punjabi Tribune, Daily ajit, Punjabi Jagran, Nawan Zamana, Desh Sewak etc.
Documentary film Director: Produced and directed documentary films ‘KHALSA MISSION’ and ‘NACHCHDA PUNJAB’
SAARC Participation: In 2008 he was selected to represent the Punjabi Poetry in ‘ The Festival of Young Poets’ organized by SAARC.
from Punjabi Teshan