Winds From Punjab: Existential States for Farmers & Government Are High

Partap Bhanu Mehta, is an analyst and thinker. He is former Vice-Chancellor of Ashoka University, and a contributing editor to The Indian Express. His writeup on Punjab Farmers’ Delhi Chalo movement has appeared in The Indian Express on November 28, 2020 under title “Winds From Punjab. The writeup analyses various aspects of the rising farmers’ movement and the overall situation related to it, and passes analytical observations. Following reproduction of the writeup is prepared by the Sikh Siyasat by adding subheadings to relevant parts of the article for the convenience of readers. A portion of the write-up, which was related to the overall approach about protests and apprehensions arising out of that approach is skipped in following reproductions. Readers may visit the source url given at the end of the following text to read the full article at The Indian Express’ website..

Seeds of Long-Term Crisis & Makings of a Perfect Storm:

The central government may, by hook or crook, ride out the current Punjab-based farmers’ agitation. But the underlying logic of the situation can sow the seeds of a long-term crisis. The existential stakes in this agitation for both the farmers and the government are high; but the possibility of a good faith material resolution of the problem is low. This has the makings of a perfect storm.

Reasons Behind the Farmers’ Uprising:

The propulsive power of the agitation comes from this. The farmers have increasingly seen their political identities being marginalised due to growing economic complexity. The power of unions has been weakened. So the three agricultural acts, which are going to affect Punjab the most, are providing a point of reference for the larger political significance of farmers.

Government’s Modus Operandi Has Further Agitated Farmers:

There is a sense that if the government can get away with promulgating such significant legislation without adequate consultation with farmers, it will sound the death knell of farmers as a political force. The government’s typically haughty refusal to engage with the Punjab farmers has only compounded this feeling.

Why This Struggle is So Important for Punjab Farmers?

There will have to be far-reaching changes to agriculture in the near future, in part prompted by environmental concerns. The sense that the farmers will be at the receiving end of these changes rather than shaping them propels the need for a show of strength. If they lose, they are marginalised forever.

Whether This Movement is in Control of Farmers’ Unions’ Leaders?

There is also an interesting question of how much of this movement might actually be in control of the farmer leaders. Punjab has always been politically sensitive. But it has economically been in a cul de sac as well. According to the State Economic Survey, it has a youth unemployment rate of 21 per cent — young people stuck in a nether zone where they can neither be fully farmers nor be absorbed in respectable jobs. This young constituency has also not had a focal point around which to coalesce its grievances. It may be actually sustaining the farmers’ agitation and potentially driving it to a greater show of strength.

How Existential States of Union Government is Connected with Farmers’ Agitation:

For the central government, the existential stakes are high. It draws a lot of its political capital from being able to show that “it could not care a damn.”

Lack of Consultations – Feature, not bug, of Current Ruling Regime:

The hubris in lack of consultation, refusal to build a consensus in the state, the trampling over federalism, is a feature, not a bug, in the way it does legislation. And so it is hard to imagine it climbing down.

BJP May Take Risks in Punjab Politics:

Even in terms of Punjab politics, the government might be willing to take a few risks. The Shiromani Akali Dal, which also used to be a face of Punjab farmers, is now thoroughly discredited. The AAP’s future is uncertain. Some of the blowback from the turmoil will also singe the Congress. So the possibility of a serious political vacuum in Punjab is real. This has the attendant risks that no political party may be able to contain or channel grievances. Given the BJP’s urban base, it probably calculates that even in Punjab it will, at the very least, not be worse off as a result of this agitation.

High Stakes, Low Basis of Material Compromise:

So the existential stakes for both sides are high. The basis of a material compromise is low. Taking back the three pieces of legislation is out of the question for this government. The strongest ground for challenging the laws, namely that they trample over states’ rights, is ironically not something the state governments are fully behind. In fact, on the federalism issue, there is double speak on all sides.

State Governments Seems Happy To Surrender Agriculture:

It appears that the state governments are also, at the margins, happy to have the Centre carry the can for agriculture. Let it become its problem. The demand for central legislation on MSP itself undercuts the federalism argument.

At the Most Union Government Could Give Assurance of MSP:

The central government can give more of an assurance on MSP, but that is all it will be: An assurance. This could be a face-saver for both sides, but it depends on how much you trust the government.

What About Assurance of Procurement?

The government cannot give a credible assurance on unlimited procurement, which will be unadvisable in any case since there need to be more incentives for crop diversification in Punjab.

Question of Procurement and Fears of Punjab Farmers:

There is a basis for the fear of the farmers in Punjab. This is not the place to go into the merits of the three bills. But whenever there is a large-scale transition there is uncertainty about how it will work out and who will bear the risk. The farmers fear that support for public mandis and procurement is likely to decline. The fear that the bargaining power of a significant number of them might decline, without a strong state floor to support them, is real.

What Govt. Could Do in This Regard?

The government could, in the spirit of conciliation, offer some commitment on procurement and support to public mandis.

What Are the Chances About Future of Protests:

Chances are that, for the moment, given its overwhelming power, the government will ride out the protests. But the simmering discontent will remain. Cooperative federalism is in tatters, and the weakness of political parties means protests now take an amorphous form.

What Government Should Sincerely Do?

Given the far-reaching changes we need in agriculture in Punjab, it is important that the trust between the state and the farmer remains. A good faith dialogue that gives the farmers reasonable assurances and a face-saver is necessary.

For the Government It’s Easy to Win Short Term Situation But…

It is easy for the government to win. But how many times in Indian politics have we won short-term victories that create long-term political precariousness?

Source: The Indian Express – url –

This News/Article Winds From Punjab: Existential States for Farmers & Government Are High appeared first on Sikh Siyasat News.

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