The Question of Fundamental Justice: Farmer’s Collective Unconscious and International Charters

Farmer’s struggle has completed few phases of endurance. It has churned out a lot. This whole struggle has been colored differently by different sections. But wisdom on both sides know that it started with an ancestral impulse of resilience against injustice. It started with a micro cosmic demonstration in Punjab, it waited until it remained unheard. Then it reached the premises of Indian capital, overcoming all obstructions. Now, lawmakers from democratic institutions across the globe are commenting. Arrogance ignores that pain as well as reaction to it are inseparable human emotions, they are fundamental to life instinct and thus it ends up creating its own stumble. So far, this resilient impulse has shown signs of maturity against a big propagandist institutional set up. That means there is a feedback mechanism, all that happened in the past has been preserved in the collective memory somewhere.

All this has also touched the chords of national aspirations as well. There is a constant denial by all institutional set up against any character other than the word Indian. But even in the hypothesis of majoritarian, the shades of alternates are visible, scholars have repeatedly questioned the single thread majoritarian definition. All these voices have been constantly denied, suppressed often with state violence. This is sign of panic instinct. Inclusivity is the character of strenuous. Over the last few years, there has been a vigorous effort to create symbols arousing a fabricated national impulse.

As per Jung, the psyche depends on four psychic functions: sensation, thinking, feeling and intuition.

While sensation reveals the objective external reality, intuition reveals the subjective internal meaning.

The completion of human interpretation culminates on intuition which is an internal phenomenon. In this age, all the information along with synthetic interpretation is fed from outside. How can you stop someone born in Punjab attaching, identifying and deriving motivation from Sikh martyrs and their ancestors from 18th century? This is equivalent to cutting down the individual totality and asking him to experience the phenomenon without his whole self.

The derivation of meaning is the superposition of many human experiences cumulatively added. Asking someone to ignore or replace one massive piece of experience and its vividness, totally distorts the final natural meaning. This is equivalent to putting straight jacket on human intuition. British did this experiment on Maharaja Daleep Singh and doing all the unlearning he rushed to his motherland to meet his collective, former USSR is another example and its reference has also been heard in the context of current struggle. National aspirations are deeply rooted in unconsciousness not superficial or synthetic, in the moment of stress they find the pores and leak into consciousness. All the happening is thus natural, the urge against injustice would strive to find a motivation within, and this very within has manifested which is being denied as if it’s not natural, not part of someone. During expression of stress, people will tend to identify themselves somewhere, and this somewhere was carved in the collective memory by collective intuition. Denying this fact would be tantamount to deny basic forces of nature and thus wastage of psychic energy. India can thrive successfully as a federal of several nations but cannot ignore their natural existence.

There are wiser men sitting in UN. The UN charter gives people right to decide their political, social, economic and cultural destiny. This has impacted international law, reconstruction of Europe after world war 1, Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1970, the Helsinki Final Act adopted by the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) in 1975, the African Charter of Human and Peoples’ Rights of 1981, the CSCE Charter of Paris for a New Europe adopted in 1990, and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action of 1993.

Hopefully, sense and justice will prevail!!

This News/Article The Question of Fundamental Justice: Farmer’s Collective Unconscious and International Charters appeared first on Sikh Siyasat News.

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